You, Life and God Podcast

The Kingdom of GOD - More than Heaven | Faith series

Vicki L. Thompson Season 5 Episode 10

Transforming Perspectives
Profound, is the pursuit of man to find himself but is in actuality, a search of one’s inner self to find the sovereignty of God. The Bible distinguishes the dominion of God, the Kingdom as the evidences of his great supreme rule over all.  The Kingdom of God is more than heaven the destined hope, man often correlates with dying.  Indeed heaven is where which the presence of God inhabits, however, the Kingdom consists the manifestations of the power of God, operating in our lives and in the world.  
Jesus Christ came affirming John the Baptist’s proclamation to repent because the Kingdom of God is near, marking his entrance as the King of the Kingdom in the earthly realm, and retorts of our need to become like willed of the lilies, and sparrows which give no thought of their lives, solely depending upon God’s providence.
Mark and Luke describe accounts of Jesus’s command over nature, as well as the spiritual realms of the underworld,  explicating the Kingdom as having seen or experienced miracles of healing and deliverance of bondages. 
The people of Israel’s hope was founded in the promised restoration of the Kingdom which Jesus’s answers befuddled the spiritual leaders, exhorting the Kingdom as not of this world.  Conveying, the Kingdom becomes visible as the children of God growing in faith and dependency upon him, wherein obtaining rest for their souls in his Kingdom, eternally.

Biblical Principle |
Everything we need is found in the Kingdom, the operation of the Sovereign Providence of Almighty God.
Luke 13:18-19|
Then said he, Unto what is the kingdom of God like? and whereunto shall I resemble it? It is like a grain of mustard seed, which a man took, and cast into his garden; and it grew, and waxed a great tree; and the fowls of the air lodged in the branches of it.”
The Bible King James Version
Scripture References |
God’s Kingdom Assured in Love -
Deuteronomy 11:18-25.
Seek First the Kingdom of God - Matthew Gospel Accounts  6:25-34.

Final Episode for Season 5 | Faith series

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