You, Life and God Podcast
Transforming Perspectives |
Conveying biblical truths about God comprised in Scriptures pertaining to his love and purpose for mankind, and our inter-relational dependency for fellowman, genuinely attainable through his Son, Jesus Christ by faith for the common good of humanity.
Episodes are insightful conversations explaining Bible doctrines and principles including topic summaries and scripture references relevant for thriving in life and for benefiting others by increasing in faith and deepening trust in God.
You, Life and God Podcast
The Beginning of Sorrows | Understanding the EndTimes, series
Transforming Perspectives |
Matthew a disciple, recounts of Jesus answering the disciples’ questions about the signs of His return referred as the Lord’s 2nd Coming, and of the times of the End.
Jesus’s response explicits the conditions of men, the earth and a series of events occurring at the on-start of the end of the age, called the beginning sorrows, or troubles, literally meaning birthing pangs. This metaphorical description helps us to understand the certainty, the severity and the significance of the times ahead as the earth begins to show signs of its travail, as God begins to reckon and reconcile all things under his righteousness and judgment.
The Scriptural context occurred nearing the end of Jesus Christ’s earthly ministry having dwelled with us in the flesh as a servant, enters Jerusalem as the King fulfilling prophecies spoken of Him, and admonishes and exhorts all multitudes of faithfulness, righteousness and of the authenticity of Him as the Son of God.
Biblical Principles | The faithful can rejoice in anticipation of the LORD’s Return.
Revelation 19:9 And he saith unto me, Write, Blessed are they which are called unto the marriage supper of the Lamb. And he saith unto me, These are the true sayings of God.
Scripture References |
Jesus Christ’s entrance in Jerusalem as her King - Matthew Chapter 21.
Admonition for faithfulness and righteousness - Matthew Chapters 22-23.
Signs of the Beginning of Sorrows and of the End - Matthew Chapter 24.
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Transforming Perspectives.
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