You, Life and God Podcast
Transforming Perspectives |
Conveying biblical truths about God comprised in Scriptures pertaining to his love and purpose for mankind, and our inter-relational dependency for fellowman, genuinely attainable through his Son, Jesus Christ by faith for the common good of humanity.
Episodes are insightful conversations explaining Bible doctrines and principles including topic summaries and scripture references relevant for thriving in life and for benefiting others by increasing in faith and deepening trust in God.
You, Life and God Podcast
By the Renewing of Your Mind - Freedom | Faith series
Transforming Perspectives |
Renewing of the mind is a transformative manifestation of our thinking aligning with our new spiritual body as a believer, thriving in the authority of the Word of God. An essential aspect of faith is the Holy Spirit performing a spiritual work in our hearts and minds. Resultant in a metamorphosis of thinking into renewed emotions and thoughts in righteousness.
The work or process of renewing the mind is developing new perspectives regarding self and God in relations to life through perpetual experiential enlightenment in an increasingly faithful relationship with God in Jesus Christ.
Therefore, gaining spiritual understanding in the liberty of Jesus Christ in heightened wisdom resting in the perfect will of God.
Biblical Principle |
Jesus makes us free by changing our old nature, thinking and beliefs.
Romans 12:2 And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.
Scripture References |
Contrasts of Old Habits - Colossians Chapter 1.
Change of Wrong Thinking - Ephesians Chapter 4:17-24.
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Transforming Perspectives.
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